David Haskell starred in several TV series and
episodes, including some small parts in various films. I'm currently hunting for more pictures, so if you happen to have pictures
of him from his other works, please send me an email at SeltzerAddict@aol.com. It would be greatly appreciated! ^_^
Here's all I found after several hours of searching. I'm going to keep searching for more.
Here's David in 'The Boost' (1988) as the Doctor. A small part, but he's real handsome nonetheless ;) However,
I preferred the beard ^__^

And here are some pictures from the series 'Santa Barbara' (1984) (several submitted by Annette. Thanks Annette! =)

Here are several screengrabs from SVGirl (THANKYOUSOMUCH!) ^^ The quality isn't the greatest, but it's not too shabby,
and I'm happy. ^_^ (Click for larger pic)
Body Double

'Deal of the Century'
Home Improvement



Paper Dolls

(I've yet to add them but there's more ;)